Monday, October 3, 2011

So, it's been a while since I've worked on this blog at all. Major life changes and all that shoved it way down on the priority list. I think I'm finally settling into my new life in this new place though. Lately I've been thinking it's time to try this again, start learning again! Not to mention sharing. I may even throw in the occasional update on my personal life- my sister seems to find it cathartic and I must admit her blog IS amusing. Eventually (if the living room ever gets done and I have a decent place to record videos) I hope to have a youtube companion channel with videos actually showing other people the things I learn along the needlearts road. That's a ways off yet though. For now, I'm just trying desperately/still to find the stitching and knitting community down here. Ah, how I miss back home where there were 5 EGA chapters within an hour's drive of my house! Now the closest chapter is 2 hrs away. Le Sigh Tomorrow will hopefully be a day of discovery- I have found a website for a needlepoint shop that should be a mere hour and 15 mins away and I plan on venturing forth to see with my own eyes if it does indeed exist! I will report back with my findings.

1 comment:

  1. I find blogging very helpful, especially if I had a less than stellar day. Cataloging all of the good days in between is also helpful as well though. It reminds me on those bad days that every other day is usually just fine!

    It's like keeping a journal only not keeping it secret at all. In order for it to work though you have to include all of the details, even when they are completely embarrassing. Strangely enough, once it is out there, it's no longer embarrassing.
